# 4 (41)2020
Issued 1.01.

# 3(40)2020
Issued 1.10.

# 2(39)2020
Issued 1.07.

# 1(38)2020
Issued 1.04.

# 4(37)2019
Issued 01.01.

# 3(36)2019
Issued 1.10.

# 2(35)2019
Issued 1.07.

# 1(34)2019
Issued 1.04.

# 4(33)2018
Issued 1.01.

# 3(32)2018
Issued 1.10.

# 2(31)2018
Issued 1.07.

# 1(30)2018
Issued 1.04.

# 4(29)2017
Issued 1.01.

# 3(28)2017
Issued 1.10.

# 2(27)2017
Issued 1.07.

# 1(26)2017
Issued 1.04.

Google Scholar


The Editorial Board welcomes a wide range of articles, including scholarly and critical papers, analytical studies, and reviews.

Procedures of review of the articles submitted to the journal

All materials undergo peer review by members of the Editorial Board and invited experts. The journal uses double blind review. The term of the review should not exceed 100 days.

The basic criteria for publication are scholarly novelty, current subject matter, and adherence to high international academic standards.

The Editorial Board informs the authors of the results of peer review. A copy of the review will be sent to the author upon his/her request, if the paper is rejected for publication.

After a positive review is submitted by reviewers, the editor informs the authors about the acceptance of the article indicating the issue date of the article.

The reviews are archived by the editorial board during five years after the review was submitted, and may be provided upon request to the corresponding expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Each issue of the journal has a theme that should be addressed by all texts accepted for publication in the given issue. The theme of the current issue, as well as of the upcoming one, are posted on the main page of the journal website.

Upon acceptance, the author will be required to sign a contract for publication.

Once the contract is signed, no part of the article or other materials may be published elsewhere in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the publisher. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all information, including facts, citations, historical and sociological data, names, and place names used in the text. Published materials do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or the publisher.

Journal shares International Standards for Authors by COPE.

Submission Guidelines

The deadline for all materials is 130 days prior to the declared date of the next issue.

All materials must be submitted in digital form over Internet (e-mail, ftp, file share).

Include the following information with each submission: first and family name of the author, country, city, full name of workplace, position,  academic degree and academic title of the author, and photo of the author. Include a summary of the article (1000–3000 symbols), keywords (10–15 words), and list of the original sources.

Text specifications

Text File: Name the text file as follows: Family Name_First letter of the first name. (Example: Smith_P.doc)

The text file must not contain pictures. If you want to illustrate your text with pictures and/or media files, see the requirements for picture files form below.

You may use whatever font, size, margins, page size, spacing, and layout you wish.

File Format: MS Word (*.doc or *.docx). *.rtf. *.txt и and *. html formats are also acceptable with encoding UTF-8 (Unicode).

Footnotes: automatic or endnotes. For endnotes, please note in the body of the text in square brackets [number of the end note]..

Pictures specifications

Send pictures in tiff, jpg, eps or bmp format.

Note: Do not use gif format, which supports only 256 colors.

The size of the pictures is unlimited.

Note: The file of a picture in color model RGB, for example, 150 х 110 mm with the resolution 72 dpi should be approximately 400 kB. The picture will be published without quality loss in about 40 х 30 mm size.

Name picture files as follows: Family Name_ris_N.jpg, where Family Name is the family name of the author, N – sequence is the number of the picture. Send all captions in a separate text file, and make sure the numbers of the pictures correspond the numbers of the picture files. Note the number of the picture in the text – Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on.

Audio and video files can be sent after prior permission from the Editorial Board.



К проблеме наездницы русского постмодернизма

Sunday, 22 September 2013 | Olga Kirillova
Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь...
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Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

Saturday, 28 October 2017 | Alexander Lyusiy
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Арзрум, да не тот. Империобол как предчувствие футболистической революции

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
В основе материала — выступление автора на Международном конгрессе «Россия и Польша: память...
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Reminder about Humbert

Thursday, 05 April 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
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There are no translations available yet

Friday, 01 July 2011 | Irina Sokolova
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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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The Chronotope of Illustrated Magazine

Friday, 14 January 2011 | Margarita Gudova
The article deals with the industry glossy magazines as an agent of modernization of consciousness and the transition from the patriarchal and industrial models to the identification of...
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There are no translations available yet

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Alexey Krivolap
There are no translations available yet
Comment: 1