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# 1(10) 2013: Narrative Turn
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Russia, Samara.
Prof. Hab. in Philosophy, Samara State University.
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Narrative Turn and the Actuality of the Narrative Mind

The essay provides a short introduction to narrativist problems, informs the reader about how and why the metaphorical notion of narrative turn appears in the humanities, and thematizes the methodological status of this concept. Additionally, key general ideas and intuitions, relevant to disciplinary research in the context of the narrative turn, including its relationship to the iconic turn, are specified. Moreover, an open concept of narrative is put forward.

Key words: narrative turn, narrative mind, auto-narrative, story, experience, culture


  1. Kreiswirth M. Trusting the Tale: the Narrativist Turn in the Human Sciences // New Literary History. 1992. Vol. 23. № 3. History, Politics, and Culture, R. 630.
  2. Fisher W. R. The Narrative Paradigm: An elaboration // Communication Monographs. 1985. Vol 52. № 4. P. 347.
  3. Fisher W. R. Narration as Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument // Communication Monographs. 1984. Vol 51. Pp 1-22.
  4. Mattingly Ch., C.Garo, L. Narrative as Construct and Construction // Cultural Construction of Illness and Healing / edited by Cherul Mattingly and Linda C.Garo. – Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2000. — P. 4–5.
  5. Mattingli Ch., Garro L. Narrativnye povoroty / Obshhestvo remissii: na puti k narrativnoj medicine: pod V. L. Lehciera. — Samara: Samarskij universitet. — S. 277.
  6. Makintajr A. Posle dobrodeteli / Alasder Makintajr. – M.: Akademicheskij proekt, Ekaterinburg: Delovaja kniga, 2000. — S. 291–292.
  7. Aristotel'. Pojetika. — M.: Gosudarstvennoe izd-vo Hudozhestvennoj literatury, 1957. — 1452a, 20.
  8. Charon, R. Narrative Medicine: Honoring the Stories of Illness / Rita Charon. — New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. P. 50.
  9. V. L. Lehcier. «Jekstaz rasskaza: o sud'bah povestvovanij do i posle ikonicheskogo povorota» // Cirk Olimp+TV, № 1 (34).
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Russia, Samara.
Samara State University.
Department of social and market research methodology.
Head of the Department, PhD in sociological sciences, professor.

Narrative Analysis in the Field of Sociology: Opportunities and Usage Problems

The article describes the narrative turn in the field of sociology. The article also discusses its causes, the determining factors of the process, and the purposes of this type of analysis. The benefits of the narrative approach, as a unique way in which to research the myths and ideologies functioning in society, are also described. In addition, the article also conceptualizes methodological approaches to the analysis of narratives in the field of sociology, and focuses on the problematic gap between real life and narrative life, as well as the multiplicity of narratives. Several examples are analyzed.

Key words: narrative turn, individual life, social context, linguistic games, narrative approach, storied life, illusion, objective mistake, existential context


  1. Tompson P. Istorija zhizni i analiz social'nyh izmenenij // Voprosy sociologii. 1993. №1–2.
  2. Kozlova N. N. Metodologija analiza chelovecheskih dokumentov // Socis, 2004. №1.
  3. Gotlib A. S. Kachestvennoe sociologicheskoe issledovanie: poznavatel'nye i jekzistencial'nye gorizonty. Samara: Univers-grupp, 2004.
  4. Bauman Z. Spor o postmodernizme // Sociologicheskij zhurnal, 1994. №4.
  5. Burgos M. Istorija zhizni: rasskazyvanie i poisk sebja // Voprosy sociologii, 1992. №1–2.
  6. Danijel' B. Poleznost' rasskazov o zhizni dlja realistichnoj i znachimoj sociologii // Biograficheskij metod v izuchenii postsocialisticheskih obshhestv. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo seminara. Spb: 1997.
  7. Gotlib A. S. Konstruirovanie social'nogo konteksta v kachestvennom sociologicheskom issledovanii: vozmozhnosti narrativnogo podhoda // Sociologija vchera, segodnja, zavtra. Sociologicheskie Chtenija pamjati V. B. Golofasta. Spb: Jejdos, 2012.
  8. Silverman D. Doing Qualitative Research/London, Thousand Oaks, New Delfi: Sage Publications, 2007.
  9. Kozlova N. N., Sandomirskaja. Ja tak hochu nazvat' kino. «Naivnoe» pis'mo: opyt lingvo-sociologicheskogo chtenija. M.: Gnozis, 1996.
  10. Kozlova N. N. Sovetskie ljudi: sceny iz istorii. M. Evropa, 2005.
  11. Lehcier V. L. Apologija chernovika ili «Prolegomeny ko vsjakoj budushhej…» // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2000. №4.
  12. Burd'e P. Biograficheskaja illjuzija // Inter, 2006 №2.
  13. Shljapintoh V. Mozhno li bestrepetno doverjat' avtobiografijam vidnyh ljudej i dazhe massovym oprosam // Teleskop: zhurnal sociologicheskih i marketingovyh issledovanij, 2011, №4.
  14. Gotlib A. S. Avtojetnografija: razgovor s samoj soboj v dvuh registrah // Sociologija: 4M, 2004. №18.
  15. Gotlib A. S. Kachestvennaja metodologija, istoricheskij narrativ li mozhno li napisat' istoriju sovetskoj sociologii s chelovecheskim licom // Teleskop: zhurnal sociologicheskih i marketingovyh issledovanij, 2012 №1.
  16. Bauman Z. Rasskazannye zhizni i prozhitye istorii // Socis, 2004. №1.
  17. Ruus J. P. Kontekst, autentichnost', referencial'nost', refleksivnost': nazad k osnovam avtobiografii // Biograficheskij metod v izuchenii postsocialisticheskih obshhestv. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo seminara. Spb: 1997.
  18. Kozlova N. N. Gorizonty povsednevnosti sovetskoj jepohi: golosa iz hora. M.: Institut filosofii RAN, 1996.
  19. Lehcier V. L. Vvedenie v fenomenologiju hudozhestvennogo opyta. Samara: Samarskij universitet, 2000.
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Russia, St-Petersburg.
The State Russian Herzen Pedagogical University (Herzen University).
Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences.

Words as a Narrative Unit — The Cognitive Possibilities of Ddiscourse and Narrative Form in a Sociological Questionnaire

The article is devoted to the publication of the main results of the sociological research «Phenomenology of Social Fears» (NIIKSI St. Petersburg State University, 2010–2012). The main goal of the submission is to present empirical research, accompanied by a methodological study of procedures for their preparation. The article's focus is the analysis of various social feelings, such as fear, anxiety and the restlessness associated with individual and social problems in Russia today. Moreover, the article presents the characteristics of the «people-power» relationships, the diagnostic «profile» of the socio-ethical climate in society, and the stability of Russian identity in projective terms of its change. In terms of methodology, the article justifies the use of basic forms of discourse and narrative for the baseline study results in the sociological questionnaire.

Key words: qualitative methods in sociology, discourse and narrative in a sociological questionnaire, social fears, attitudes of the people and the authorities, authority dysfunction, escapism, identity change, social unconscious, gender characteristics of society, archaic and modern


  1. Oslon A. Apologija umnoj tolpy // «Nezavisimaja gazeta», 28.02.12 / URL:–02–28/9_apologia.html (last visit 24.05.12)
  2. Obshhestvo i vlast' v uslovijah politicheskogo krizisa. Doklad jekspertov CSR Komitetu grazhdanskih iniciativ / URL: (last visit 04. 11. 12)
  3. Ticher S., Mejer M., Vodak R., Vetter E. Metody analiza teksta i diskursa / Per. s angl. — H.: Izd-vo Gumanitarnyj Centr, 2009.
  4. Brajmen A., Bell Je. Metody social'nyh issledovanij. Gruppy, organizacii i biznes / Per. s angl. — H.: Izd-vo Gumanitarnyj centr, 2012.
  5. Pesnja o Lenine. Muzyka A. Novikova, slova R. Seljanina // SOVMUSIC. RU, URL: (last visit 24.02.13)
  6. Majakovskij V. Razgovor s tovarishhem Leninym // Majakovskij V. V. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij: V 13 t. / M.: Hudozh. lit., 1955–1961. T. 10.
  7. Otnoshenie k trudu. Proekt Fonda «Obshhestvennoe mnenie». Nojabr' 2012 g. / URL: (last visit 24.02.13)
  8. Sadmen S., Bredbern N. Kak pravil'no zadavat' voprosy: vvedenie v proektirovanie oprosnogo instrumentarija — M.: Institut Fonda «Obshhestvennoe mnenie», 2002.; Sadmen S., Brjedbern N., Shvarc N. Kak ljudi otvechajut na voprosy. Primenenie kognitivnogo analiza v massovyh obsledovanijah. — M.: Institut Fonda «Obshhestvennoe mnenie», 2003.; Fenneto Je. Interv'ju i oprosnik. Formy, procedury, rezul'taty. — SPb.: Piter, 2004
  9. Vprochem, pozzhe pojavilis' svidetel'stva, chto takih topohronov po strane vozniklo nemalo Chernyshov S. 90 procentov grazhdan nedovol'ny // «Jekspert-Sibir'» №5 (361), 04 fevralja 2013 / URL: (last visit 24.02.13)
  10. Ticher S., Mejer M., Vodak R., Vetter E. Metody analiza teksta i diskursa / Per. s angl. — H.: Izd-vo Gumanitarnyj Centr, 2009. — 356 s. — S. 172–198.
  11. Ahiezer A. S. Rossija: kritika istoricheskogo opyta (sociokul'turnaja dinamika Rossii). V 2-h tomah. — Novosibirsk: Sibirskij hronograf, 1998.
  12. Giddens Je. Ustroenie obshhestva: Ocherk teorii strukturacii. — M.: Akademicheskij Proekt, 2003. S. 101–121, 499.
  13. Strana ubyvanija // Gazeta. RU, 14 ijunja 2011 g. / URL: (last visit 24.02.13)
  14. Pochemu iz Rossii uezzhajut. Press-vypusk VCIOM №1851, 28 sentjabrja 2011 g. // URL: (last visit 24.02.13)
  15. Tol'ko 40% rossijan hoteli by snova rodit'sja v Rossii // Issledovatel'skij centr portala Superjob. ru, 10. 06. 2011 / URL: (last visit 24.02.13).
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
Saint-Petersburg State University.
Postgraduate student.

The Narrative Nature of Science and Legitimization of Scientific Knowledge

The article touches upon the role of narrative in the legitimization of scientific knowledge. Starting with the criticism of B. Latour's sociology of science, the author reconstructs the way in which science-based content — scientific knowledge (fact) — is perceived in actor-network theory. In order to produce such a reconstruction, Latour's theoretical logic is situated within a broader philosophical and cultural context: the postmodern condition, understood as the appearance of new ways of legitimizing scientific knowledge (J.-F. Lyotard). One of the claims for knowledge under post-modernity is its "performativity" — the criterion designating the usefulness of scientific results in a generalized sense. The article attempts to discover the manner in which the linguistic nature of science is associated with the effectiveness of its results. Answering posed question, the author starts with the analysis of the academic narrative's role in the construction of scientific facts. Scientific knowledge in actor-network theory is represented as the multilevel process of the translation of reality into the transportable language of science. During this process both direct knowledge obtainment and its legitimization, which render scientific knowledge objective, take place. The author tries to set up a correspondence between the substantive content of scientific activity and the negotiation of its realization. In conclusion, censorious remarks and problem-solving perspectives are provided.

Key words: narrative, legitimization, sociology of science, scientific knowledge, actor-network theory, B. Latour, J.-F. Lyotard, postmodern condition, performativity, construction of scientific facts, translation, objectivity, ontology


  1. Liotar Zh. -F. Sostojanie postmoderna. M.: Institut jeksperimental'noj sociologii; SPb.: Aletejja, 1998. S. 15–16.
  2. Latour B., Woolgar, S. Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.
  3. Amsterdamska O. Surely You Are Joking, Monsieur Latour! // Science, Technology, & Human Values. 1990. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 497.
  4. Harhordin O. V. Latur: praktiki i seti // Volkov V. V., Harhordin O. V. Teorija praktik. SPb: Izd-vo Evropejskogo universiteta v SPb, 2008. S. 245.
  5. Callon M. Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation: Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen of St. Brieuc Bay // Power, Action, and Belief: A New Sociology of Knowledge? / ed. by John Law. L.: Routledge, 1986. Pp. 196–223.
  6. Liotar Zh. -F. Postmodern v izlozhenii dlja detej: Pis'ma: 1982–1985. M.: Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t, 2008. S. 21.
  7. Vitgenshtejn L. Filosofskie issledovanija // Filosofskie raboty. Chast' I. M.: Gnozis, 1994. S. 165–409.
  8. Latour B. Pasteur on Lactic Acid Yeast: A Partial Semiotic Analysis // Configurations. 1993. Vol. 1, no. 1. Pp. 129–145.
  9. Law J. After Method: Mess in Social Science Research. Oxon, NY: Routledge, 2004. Pp. 143–156.
  10. Bloor D. Anti-Latour // Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 1999. Vol. 30, No. 1. Pp. 81–112.
  11. Latur B. Novogo vremeni ne bylo. Jesse po simmetrichnoj antropologii. SPb: Izd-vo Evropejskogo universiteta v SPb, 2006.
  12. Freed M. Latour, Lyotard, and The Problematics of Legitimation // Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. 2005. Vol. 10, № 3. Pp. 99–114.
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Russia, Tyumen.
Laboratory of Anthrolopogy. Institute for Problems of Development of the North.
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research assistant,
Senior research assistant.

"Once I Was Born Again…"
Conversion and Stories about the Pentecostal Tradition: Structure and Functions

The article analyzes a unique type of religious narrative — conversion narratives — based on examples of interviews with Pentecostals. Following the concept of William Labov, the authors review the narrative's main structural components: "abstract", "orientation", "evaluation", "resolution", "complicating action", and "coda". Pentecostal conversion narratives are characterized by a repetition of the steps of "orientation", "evaluation", and "resolution". Conversion narratives conclude with a statement about the current situation: the status of the narrator in the community, and the results of his development in spiritual and material terms. This type of circular structure emphasizes the importance of the believer's turning towards God, enabling him again and again to compare his life before and after conversion. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the central category of the conversion narrative ("crisis") and a special perception of time, as experienced by believers, which are reflected in the stories about their conversion. The authors examine the way the causes of conversion and conversion rituals are reflected in the narrative. They emphasize the roles of the narrator and the listener in creating a narrative, noting that the content and functions of narratives depend on whether the listener is a believer, and if he believes in God. Next, they discuss the believer's status in the community. The article concludes with the idea that the individual and collective religious identity of the narrator is repeatedly constructed in the narrative

Key words: religious narrative, conversion narrative, structure and functions of narrative, Pentecostalism, conversion, conversion rituals, crisis of faith, religious identity


  1. Ochs E., Capps L. Narrating the self // Annual review of anthropology. 1996. Vol. 25. P. 19.
  2. Poplavskij (Korobko) R. O. Mesto Cerkvi evangel'skih hristian-baptistov «Duhovnoe Vozrozhdenie» v obrazovanii rjada protestantskih cerkvej v Tjumeni v nachale 1990-h godov // Svoboda sovesti v Rossii: istoricheskij i sovremennyj aspekty. Vypusk 5. Sbornik statej. M.: Rossijskoe ob#edinenie issledovatelej religii, 2007. S. 50–55;
  3. Poplavskij R. O. Cerkovnye raskoly v istorii protestantskih obshhin g. Tjumeni (XX–XXI vv.) // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2011, №4. S. 43–47.
  4. Protestantizm v Tjumenskom krae: istorija i sovremennost' / Pod red. I.V. Bobrova. SPb.: Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2006. S. 91–100.
  5. Darrol Bryant M., Lamb C. Introduction: Conversion: Contours of controversy and commitment in a plural world // Religious Conversion. Contemporary Practices and Controversies / Edited by M. Darrol Bryant, C. Lamb. London and New York. 1999. P. 7.
  6. Snow D.A., Machalek R. The Sociology of Conversion // Annual Review of Sociology, 1984. Vol. 10. P. 173.
  7. Jackson J.L. 'God's law indeed is there to protect you from yourself': the Christian personal testimonial as narrative and moral schemata to the US political apology // Language & Communication. Vol. 32. No. 1. P. 52.
  8. Ricoeur P. Time and Narrative. Vol. 1. London, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. P. 66.
  9. Anderson A. Varieties, Taxonomies, and Definitions // Studying Global Pentecostalism / Ed. by A. Anderson, M. Bergunder, A. Droogers, C. van der Laan. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2010. P. 26.
  10. Hollenweger W.J. After Twenty Years' Research on Pentecostalism // Theology. 1984. Vol. 87. No. 720. P. 405.
  11. Hollenweger W.J. Pentecostalism and Black Power // Theology Today. 1973. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 230. Sm. takzhe: Synan V. The Holiness Pentecostal Movement in the United States. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1971. P. 165.
  12. Chaván de Matviuk M. Latin American Pentecostal Growth: Culture, Orality and the Power of Testimonies // Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies. 2002. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 216.
  13. Anderson A. The Origins of Pentecostalism and its Global Spread in the Early Twentieth Century // Transformation : An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies. 2005. Vol. 22. No.3. P. 177.
  14. Hollenweger W.J. After Twenty Years' Research… P. 405; Hollenweger W.J. Creator Spiritus: The Challenge of Pentecostal Experience to Pentecostal Theology // Theology. 1978. Vol. 81. No. 679. P. 38.
  15. Hollenweger W.J. Pentecostalism and Black Power… P. 234; Hollenweger W.J. After Twenty Years' Research… P. 410.
  16. Land S.J. Pentecostal Spirituality. London: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. P. 80.
  17. Labov W. Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. P. 363.
  18. Schiffrin D. Narrative as self-portrait: Sociolinguistic constructions of identity // Language in Society. 2009. Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 167–168.
  19. Ipatova L. Pravoslavnye zhenshhiny: puti vocerkovlenija // Ustnaja istorija i biografija: zhenskij vzgljad. SPb: Nevskij prostor, 2004. S. 178.
  20. Kardinskaja S.V., Sjutkin A.S. Religioznoe soobshhestvo v prostranstve diskursa «social'nogo sluzhenija» // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2010. №2. S. 18–19.
  21. Vitjuk Vasilij. «Dlja chego ja zhivu?». 11 dekabrja 2011 // Vimeo. URL:
  22. Coleman S. Continuous Conversion? The Rhetoric, Practice, and Rhetorical Practice of Charismatic Protestant Conversion // The Anthropology of Religious Conversion / Edited by A. Buckser, S. Glazier. Lamham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. P. 20.
  23. Puzanova Zh.V., Trocuk I.V. Narrativnyj analiz: ponjatie ili metafora? // Sociologija: 4M. 2003. №17. S. 63. Wells, K. Narrative Inquiry. Oxford University Press, 2011. P. 6.
  24. Polletta F., Chen P.C.B., Gardner B.G., Motes A. The Sociology of Storytelling // Annual Review of Sociology. 2011. Vol. 37. P. 115.
  25. Währisch-Oblau C. The Missionary Self-Perception of Pentecostal/Charismatic Church Leaders from the Global South in Europe: Bringing Back the Gospel. Leiden: Brill, 2009. P. 86.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy.
Associate professor, PhD.

The Ideology of Global Capitalism: Narratological Analysis

In the modern capitalist / post-capitalist world, we cannot speak about any coherent ideological system. This is replaced by the set of economic and political narratives produced by a variety of actors, both in theoretical discourse and in the structure of everyday thinking. The multiplicity of narratives is also inextricably linked to the phenomenon of "local rationality", and is largely determined by the economic mentality of global capitalism.

Key words: narratological analysis, actantial models, method of scenarios, local rationality


  1. Greimas, A., Sémantique structural. Paris: Larousse, 1966.
  2. Greimas A. Sémiotique et sciences societies. Paris: Seuil, 1976.
  3. Postma T. J.B.M. and Liebl F. "How to improve scenario analysis as a strategic management tool?"// Technological Forecasting & Social Change 72. 2005.
  4. Vattimo Dzh. Prozrachnoe obshhestvo. M., 2002.
  5. Virno, P. A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life. / Trans. Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito and Andrea Casson. N.Y.: Semiotext[e], 2004.
  6. Buck-Morss S. Dreamworld and Catastrophe: The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West. Cambridge. 2000.
  7. Appadurai A. "Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy" from Modernity at Large. // Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Pp. 27–47, University of Minnesota Press. 1996.
  8. Lash S., Urry J. Economies of Signs and Space, London: Sage. 1994.
  9. Goldman R., and Papson S. Sign Wars: The Cluttered Landscape of Advertising. The Guilford Press. 1996.
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Ukraine, Kharkov.
V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University.
PhD, Seigneur Lecturer.

The Philosophy of the Marquis de Sade: Percept and Concept on the Background of Narrative

This article deals with the problem of the contradictory relations in Enlightenment philosophy, and literary and theatrical discourse. It is noted that Enlightenment is a polemical field that forms the context for the synthesis of various attempts at universal discourse. This context results from the problems related to the truth of representation. The creative work of the Marquis de Sade is considered an attempt to combine the various forms of discourse, by intertwining different formal possibilities of expression and representation. Three levels are identified that comprise the structure Sade's text: scientific and philosophical or conceptual, theatrical or figurative and narrative. Each level is then subjected to the general logic of combinations/displacement, registered as a parody, paradox and parallax. In this way, Sade tries to present a philosophical statement as a complex game of switching and transitioning from concept to percept, and vice versa. This is understood and remains within the narrative space. Some of the projections of Sade's text that describe the present period are highlighted in the article.

Key words: narrative, concept, percept, Enlightenment, de Sade, representation, fantasy, parody


  1. Rikuperati Dzh. Chelovek Prosveshhenija. // Mir Prosveshhenija. Istoricheskij slovar'. / Pod red. Vinchenco Ferrone, Danielja Rosha. M.: Pamjatniki istoricheskoj mysli, 2003.
  2. Mil'ner Zh.-K. Konstatacii. / Per. s franc. i primechanija V. E. Lapickogo. SPb.: Machina, 2009.
  3. Bart R. Sad, Fur'e, Lojola. / Per. s fr. B. M. Skuratova. M.: Praksis, 2007.
  4. Bozhovich M. Istericheskij materializm Didro /Per. s angl. Artem Smirnov. // Logos. 2003. № 3(38). S. 66–79.
  5. Markiz de Sad. Filosofija v buduare. / Per. s fr. I. Karabutenko. M.: MP «Prominformo», 1992.
  6. Agamben Dzh. Homo sacer. Suverennaja vlast' i golaja zhizn'. M.: Izd-vo «Evropa», 2011.
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Howard BRODY

USA, Galveston, Texas.
Institute for the Medical Humanities. Director.
M. D., Ph. D. Professor.

Stories of Sickness

The present text is a translation of the first two chapters of the monograph «Stories of Sickness». The first chapter is devoted to the use of stories in clinical practice, the so-called medical casuistry, especially important for medical education. The description of real сase studies combines impersonal scientific knowledge with the individual reality of the disease. The chapter also addresses the need for coordination between medical records and the patients' stories of their illness. This chapter covers the basic stages of the 'narrative turn' in the field of medicine, the joint creation of doctor-patient stories with healing potential, especially for the chronically ill, as well as the stories as a way to empower their sense of personal experiences and relating them to the concepts of society and culture. The second chapter posits a systematic question: What is a story? The author appeals to philological, philosophical and anthropological interpretations of the nature of narrative, discusses the ethical and temporal characteristics of narrative, describes the complexities of narrative in situations of real communication, and its relation with the whole cultural context, the cultural prototypes of stories.

Key words: medicine, narrative, story, case, scientific knowledge, subjective meaning, culture


  1. Becker G. Disrupted Lives: How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World. Berkley: University of California Press, 1997. Pp. 174–175).
  2. Beppu K., Tavormina M. T. The healer's art: an interview with Richard Selzer. // Centennial Review, 25, 1981. Pp. 20–40.
  3. Berger J, Mohr A. Fortunate Man. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.
  4. Booth W. C. The Company we keep: an Ethics of Fiction. Berkley: University of California Press, 1988.
  5. Brody E., Tormey J. F. Clinical psychoanalytic knowledge — an epistemological inquiry. // Perspectives in Biology and medicine, 24, 1980.
  6. Brody H. (with Brody D.) The Placebo Response. NY: HarperCollins, 2000.
  7. Brody H. My story is broken, can you help me fix it? Medical Ethics and the joint construction of narrative. // Literature and Medicine, 13, 1994. Pp. 79–92.
  8. Brody H. Placebos and the Philosophy of medicine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980; Brody H., Waters D. B. Diagnosis is treatment. // Journal of Family Practice, 10, 1980. Pp. 445–9.
  9. Brody H. The placebo Response: recent research and implications for family medicine. // Journal of Family Practice, 49, 2000. Pp. 649–54.
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  11. Cassell E. J. The Healer's Art. Phildelphia: Lippincott, 1976. P. 56.
  12. Charon R. Brody H. et al. Literature and medicine: contributions to clinical practice. // Annals of Internal Medicine, 122, 1995. Pp. 599–606.
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  15. Coulehan J. L. Who is the poor historian?// JAMA, 252, 1984. P. 221.
  16. Crawford T. H. The politics of narrative form. // Literature and medicine, 11, 1992. Pp. 147–62.
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  20. Greenhalgh T., Hurwitz B. Narrative Based Medicine: Dialogue and Discourse in Clinical Practice. London: BMJ, 1998.
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  27. Hampshire S. Morality and Conflict. Cambrige, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983. P. 166.
  28. Hawkins A. H. Reconstructing Illness: Studies in Pathography. 2nd ed. West Lafayette. IN: Purdue University Press, 1999.
  29. Hepburn R. W. Vision and choice in morality. // Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 30, supp., 1956. Pp. 14–31.
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  31. Hoffman S. A. Under the Ether Dome: A Physician's Apprenticeship at Massachusetts General Hospital. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1986:. Pp. 170–171).
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  35. Jung C. Modern Man in Search of a Soul. NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1933. Pp. 225; cit. po Spiro H. M. Doctors, Patients and Placebos. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. Pp. 246.
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Russia, Samara.
Prof. Hab. in Philosophy, Samara State University.
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

The Typology of Patients' Storytelling in Arthur Frank's Ethical Doctrine

The article analyzes the typology of patients' storytelling proposed by a famous Canadian sociologist and ethics researcher, Arthur Frank. The methodological problems connected with creating a typology of the legitimacy of the universalization of the narrative experience of illness are discussed. Different types of illness narratives (the restitution narrative, chaos narrative and quest narrative) and the key concepts and phenomena relevant to the story of the disease are dealt with in detail. In addition, the article compares Frank's typology with other classifications of the illness narrative that exist in the field of Medical Humanities.

Key words: illness narrative, storytelling, patient, self-story, body, testimony, medicine


  1. Charon R. Narrative Medicine: Honoring the Stories of Illness. — New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  2. Frank A. Wounded Storyteller: body, illness, and ethics. — Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1997.
  3. Vajngarten K. Osmyslenie istorij o bolezni: teorija, praktika, telesnost' i zhizn' // URL:
  4. Derner K. Horoshij vrach. Uchebnik osnovnoj pozicii vracha. M. : Aletejja, 2006.
  5. Pejer L. Medicina i kul'tura. Kak lechat v SShA, Anglii, zapadnoj Germanii i Francii / pod red. E. I. Kirilenko. Tomsk: Sibirskij gos. meduniversitet, 2012.
  6. Bauman Z. Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.
  7. Gennep A. van. Obrjady perehoda: Sistematicheskoe izuchenie obrjadov. — M. : Vost. lit. , 2012. 198 s.
  8. Lehcier V. L. Fenomenologija «pere»: vvedenie v jekzistencial'nuju analitiku perehodnosti. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskij universitet», 2007. 332 s.
  9. Lehcier V. L. Narrativnaja medicina: svetlaja utopija doktora Rity Shjeron? // Obshhestvo remissii: na puti k narrativnoj medicine: sb. nauch. trudov /pod obshh. red. V. L. Lehciera. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskij universitet», 2012.
  10. Good B. J. Medicine, rationality, and experience. An anthropological perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  11. Hawkins A. H. Reconstructing Illness: Studies in Pathography. 2nd ed. West Lafayyette, IN: Purdue Univesity Press, 1999.
  12. Brody H. Stories of sickness. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
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Victoria ZHURA

Russia, Volgograd.
Volgograd State Medical University.
Head of the Department of Modern Languages with a Course of Latin.
D. Sc. (Linguistics), assistant professor.

Narratological Studies of Spoken Medical Discourse

The article explores the problems of linguistic narratology in the context of spoken medical discourse. The narrative turn in medical communication and its studies have been prompted by the change in doctor-patient interaction patterns, as well as the emergence of narrative medicine, a new clinical approach. A combination of the scientific ideas of this approach and the research principles of a number of linguistic studies (discourse analysis, conversation analysis, and interactional sociolinguistics) have made it possible to identify the tasks and problem areas in the narrative organization of spoken medical discourse. The latter include studying formal, structural and semantic parameters of narratives, creating their typologies, eliciting the ways and means used for co-narration in medical communication, as well as defining narratives' competencies of interlocutors. The theoretical principles of the narratological approach are illustrated by the outcomes of an applied study of narratives created in medical encounters in Russian clinics. These outcomes demonstrate a doctor-patient narrative typology, the functions of patients' narratives, as well as the means and ways of co-narration.

Key words: narrative, narrative medicine, spoken medical discourse, narrative competence, narrative typology, co-narration, identity


  1. Cole S., Bird J. The medical interview: The three-function approach. London: Elsevier Science, 2005.
  2. Labov W. The transformation of experience in narrative syntax // W. Labov (Ed.), Language in the inner city. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. P. 359–360.
  3. Greenhalgh T., Hurwitz B. Narrative based medicine: Why study narrative? – BMJ, 1999. V. 318. P. 48–50.
  4. Bucholtz M., Hall K. Identity and interaction: A sociocultural linguistic approach // Discourse Studies, 2005. V. 7(4–5). P. 585–614.
  5. Zhura V. V. Diskursivnaja kompetencija vracha v ustnom medicinskom obshhenii: monografija. Volgograd: Izd-vo VolGMU, 2008.
  6. Wood J. Interventional narratology: Form and function of the narrative medical write-up // Literature and Medicine, 2005. V. 24(2). P. 283–296. — P. 286.
  7. Summerson Carr E. "Secrets keep you sick": Metalinguistic labor in a drug treatment program for homeless women // Language in Society, 2006. V. 35. P. 631–653. P. 636.
  8. Ochs E., Capps L. Living narrative: Creating lives in everyday storytelling. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001. P.5.
  9. Holmes J. An introduction to sociolinguists 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2008. P. 24.
  10. Mishler E. The discourse of medicine. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984. P.6.
  11. Cordella M. The dynamic consultation: A discourse analytical study of doctorpatient communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2004.
  12. Labov W., Waletsky J. Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience // J. Helm, (Ed.), Essays on the verbal and visual arts (pp. 12–44). Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967.
  13. Barone S. M. Seeking Narrative Coherence: Doctors' Elicitations and Patients' Narratives in Medical Encounters. // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http// — (last visit: 20.02.2013).
  14. Charon R. Narrative medicine: Honoring the stories of illness. NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  15. Stewart M., Roter D. Communicating with medical patients.  Newbury Park, CA:  Sage, 1989; Ten Have P. Talk and institution: A reconsideration of the "Asymmetry" of doctor-patient interaction // Discourse Studies. London, Sage, 2007. P. 99–120.
  16. Georgakopoulou A. Small stories, interaction and identities: Studies in narrative. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007. Liebscher G. Narrative interaction // The Modern Language Journal, 2007. V. 91(3). P. 482–483.
  17. Miller E. Agency in the Making: Adult Immigrants' Accounts of Language Learning and Work // TESOL Quarterly, 2010. V. 44. P. 465–487.
  18. Schiffrin D. Approaches to discourse: Language as social interaction. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 1994. Barone S. M. Seeking Narrative Coherence: Doctors' Elicitations and Patients' Narratives in Medical Encounters.// [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http// — (last visit: 20.02.2013).
  19. Holmes J. Gendered talk at work: Constructing gender identity through workplace discourse. — Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2006.
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Ukraine, Kiev.
National Academy of Personnel Management / Center of Arts and Culture.
Department of Theory and History of Culture.
PhD, Seigneur Lecturer.

Narratives of the Self-Keeping of "Me" in Artistic Autobiography

The article deals with the narrative analysis of artistic autobiographical texts. The author proposes the narrative approach to artistic autobiographic discourse as an analysis of its patterns and cognitive activity in this type of creativity, in general. The typology of the autobiographic conceptualization of human life is proposed here. The deep social and existential interest in this genre, which is more alive today than in the past, is explained here within a context of the crisis of human identity.

Key words: narrative analysis, artistic autobiography, conceptualizations of life, crisis of identity


  1. Aleksievich S. V poiskah vechnogo cheloveka / «Kruglyj stol»: memuary na slome jepoh // Voprosy literatury. 2000. Janv. -fevr. S. 35–41.
  2. Batkin L. M. Evropejskij chelovek naedine s soboj. Ocherki o kul'turno-istoricheskih osnovanijah i predelah lichnogo samosoznanija. M.: RGGU, 2000. 1005 s.
  3. Bahtin M. M. O Flobere // Bahtin M. M. Jepos i roman. SPb.: Azbuka, 2000. S. 291–307.
  4. Berdjaev N. A. Samopoznanie (Opyt filosofskoj avtobiografii). M.: DJeM, 1990. 346 s.
  5. Brokmejer J., Harre R. Narrativ: problemy i obeshhanija odnoj al'ternativnoj paradigmy // Voprosy filosofii. 2000. № 3. S. 29–42.
  6. Bruner Dzh. Zhizn' kak narrativ // Postneklassicheskaja psihologija. 2005. № 1. S. 9–30.
  7. Valevskij A. L. Biografija v kontekste filosofskogo analiza // Filosofskaja i sociologicheskaja mysl'. Kiev. 1989. № 3. S. 45–56.
  8. Volkonskij S. kn. Moi vospominanija. V 2-h tomah. T. 2. M.: Iskusstvo, 1992. 386 s.
  9. Gaznjuk L. M. "Fіlosofіja narativu" v personal'nomu buttі ljudini // Fіlosofs'ka dumka. 2004. № 4. S. 3–15.
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  11. Dil'tej V. Nabroski k kritike istoricheskogo razuma // Voprosy filosofii. — 1988. — № 4. — S. 137–146.
  12. Zoshhenko M. M. Povest' o razume. M.: Pedagogika, 1990. 208 s.
  13. Kasavin I. T. Migracija. Kreativnost'. Tekst. Problemy neklassicheskoj teorii poznanija. SPb.: RGHI, 1998. 408 s.
  14. Malahov V. A. Iskusstvo i mirootnoshenie lichnosti // Hudozhestvennaja kul'tura i jesteticheskoe razvitie lichnosti. K.: Naukova dumka, 1989. S. 129–174.
  15. Mojem S. Podvodja itogi. M.: Vyssh. shkola, 1991. 436 s.
  16. Nabokov V. V. Drugie berega. M.: Knizhnaja palata, 1989. 234 s.
  17. «Oni pitali moju muzu... »: Knigi v zhizni i tvor¬chestve pisatelej / Sost. S. A. Rozanova. M.: Kniga, 1986. 234 s.
  18. Ortega-i-Gasset H. Vremja, rasstojanie i forma v iskusstve Prusta // Ortega-i-Gasset H. Jestetika. Filosofija kul'tury. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1991. — S. 176–186.
  19. Sent-Bev Sh. Shatobrian v ocenke odnogo iz blizkih druzej v 1803 g.: (Opre¬delenie «biograficheskogo metoda») // Zarubezhnaja jestetika i teorija literatury XIX-XX vv. M.: Izd. MGU, 1987. S. 47–64.
  20. Tartakovskij A. Memuaristika kak fenomen kul'tury // Voprosy literatury. 1999. Janv. -fevr. S. 35–55.
  21. Florenskij P. Detjam moim. Vospominanija proshlyh dnej. M.: Izd. AST, 2004. 374 s.
  22. Cvejg S. Tri pevca svoej zhizni: Kazanova. Stendal'. Tolstoj. K.: Ukraina, 1991. 271 s.
  23. Jung K. -G. Vospominanija, snovidenija, razmyshlenija. M.: AST-LTD, 1998. 512 s.
  24. Carr D. Time, Narrative and History. Indiana University Press. Bloomington / Indianopolis. 1991. 189 p.
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Alexander LYUSY

Russia, Moscow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Seniour Rearcher.
PhD in Cultural Science.

Genius of the Place and Genius of the Text
Experience of a Narration of one Textual Existence

Each local text of a culture is arranged in the form of a "geniuses of the place" hierarchy, the korrektirumy or global "taste" of the text. The textual concept of the author's culture — culture, meaning the sum total and systems of the local texts — is refracted in a plotting of the consecutive participation of the author in four conferences in southern Russia and the Crimea. Dahl's dictionary becomes the basis, from dictionaries of self-description; the philosophy of a name is supplemented with a semiotics mutation.

Key words: local text, film text, visualization, media, top wasps, semiotics mutations, discourse, glamour


  1. Gadamer G. -H. Istina i metod. M., 1988. S. 97.
  2. Oleshkov M. Ju. Diskurs i tekst: narrativnaja integracija smyslov // Diskurs, tekst, kognicija: kollektivnaja monografija / Otv. red. M. Ju. Oleshkov. – Nizhnij Tagil, 2010. (Serija «Jazyk i diskurs». Vyp. 2). S. 50.
  3. Ljusyj A. P. Nevidimyj operator: o mediasostavljajushhej lokal'nogo teksta kul'tury // Sovremennoe sostojanie mediaobrazovanija v Rossii v kontekste mirovyh tendencij / Otv. Redaktor K. Je. Razlogov i A. V. Fedorov. M.: Rossijskij institut kul'turologii, 2012. S. 119.
  4. Kovach A. Opyty sravnitel'noj pojetiki // Golosa Sibiri. Literaturnyj al'manah. Vyp. 8. Kemerovo, 2008. S. 438–439.
  5. Pigalev A. I. Negativnaja dialektika // Istorija filosofii. Jenciklopedija. Minsk, 2002.
  6. Losev A. F. Filosofija imeni. M., 2009. S. 151–152.
  7. Losev A. F. Forma. Stil'. Vyrazhenie. M., 1995. S. 22.
  8. Rorti R. Sluchajnost', ironija, solidarnost'. M., 1996. S. 228.
  9. Dal' V. I. Tolkovyj slovar' zhivago velikoruskago jazyka. T. 2. I-O. SPb. -M., 1881. S. 285.
  10. Bulgakov S. Filosofija imeni. Parizh, 1953. S. 94.
  11. Syrodeeva A. Lokal'nost' i sovremenniki // Kollazh-2. M.: IF RAN, 1999. S. 14.
  12. Gogol' N. V. . Poln. sobr. soch.: V 14 tomah. T. 9: Pis'ma, 1820—1835. 1940. M. -L. S. 369.
  13. Rikjor P. Ja-sam kak drugoj. M., 2008. S. 413.
  14. Ljusyj A. P. Kinolandija i kinogenocid: Krymskij kinotekst kak glamur i zhest'// Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. 2012. № 2(7). S. 71–83.
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Concepts of Culture


Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy.
Department of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge.
PhD, Professor.

The Phenomenon of Turn in 20th Century Culture

In modern philosophy, there are various different turns: ontological, linguistic, iconic, theological, performative, medial, anthropological, rhetorical, narrative, and spatial, among others. As their numbers grow, the following, questions arise: Why have all these turns suddenly sprouted up , and what are they a symptom of? Why are some turns genuine, while others only reflect an artificial change?

Key words: ontological turn, linguistic turn, iconic turn, medial turn, mediaphilosophy, рhilosophy of x


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  33. Rans'er Zh. Razdeljaja chuvstvennoe. CPb.: Izd-vo Evrop. un-ta v S.-Peterburge, 2007. S. 157.
  34. Alloa E. Bildwissenschaft in Byzanz. Ein iconic turn avant la letter // Philosophie des Bildes. 2010. Vol. 69. S. 24.
  35. Vitgenshtejn L. Logiko-filosofskij traktat. M., 1958.
  36. Hajdegger M. Bytie i vremja. M., 1997. S. 38.
  37. Grigor'eva N. Ja. Jevoljucija filosofskoj antropologii v 1920–1950-h godov: radikalizacija obraza cheloveka: diss. … dok. filos. nauk. M., 2009. S. 8–9.
  38. Vul'f K. Antropologija: Istorija, kul'tura, filosofija / Per., poslesl., komm. G. Hajdarovoj. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2008. S. 152.
  39. The Anthropological Turn in Literary Studies, Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature / Hrsg. Jürgen Schläger. Tübingen, 1996.
  40. Prohorova I. D. Novaja antropologija kul'tury. Vstuplenie na pravah manifesta // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2009. № 100. S. 13.
  41. Habermas Ju. Postsekuljarnoe obshhestvo — chto jeto? Ch. 1–2 // Rossijskaja filosofskaja gazeta. 2008. № 4 (18); № 5 (19).
  42. Richad Rorti, Dzhanni Vattimo i Sant'jago Zabala. Kakovo budushhee religii posle metafiziki // Logos. 2008. № 4 (67).
  43. Uzlaner D. Vvedenie v postsekuljarnuju filosofiju // Logos. 2011. № 3 (82).
  44. Smirnov I. P. Videorjad. Istoricheskaja semantika kino. SPb.: Petropolis, 2009. S. 6.
  45. Bad'ju A. Apostol Pavel. Obosnovanie universalizma / per. s fr. O. Golovoj. M.: Mosk. Filos. fond; SPb.: Universitetskaja kniga, 1999.
  46. Vattimo D. Posle hristianstva / per. s ital. i poslesl. D. Novikova. M.: Tri kvadrata, 2007.
  47. Zhizhek S. K materialisticheskoj teologii // Logos. 2008. № 4.
  48. Agamben Dzh. Apostolos (Iz knigi «Ostavsheesja vremja: kommentarij k "Poslaniju k rimljanam"») // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2000. № 46.
  49. Strukturierung von Raum und Landschaft. Konzepte in Ökologie und der Theorie gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse / Rez. P. Eser; hrsg. M. Weingarten. Münster, 2005 // Dialektik. Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie. 2006. № 1. S. 205–209.
  50. Der Eine oder der Andere «Gott» in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und im Denken der Gegenwart / Hrsg. Ch. Asmuth, K. Drilo. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.
  51. Filippov A. F. Sociologija prostranstva. SPb.: Vladimir Dal', 2008. S. 230.
  52. Savchuk V. V. Vvedenie v topologicheskuju refleksiju. SPb., Izd-vo S.-Peterb. filos. ob-va, 2004
  53. Savchuk V. V. Geometafizika, ili Topologicheskaja refleksija // Kto segodnja delaet filosofiju v Rossii / Sost. A. Nilogov. M.: Pokolenie, 2007. S. 266–282.
  54. Savchuk V. V. Topologicheskaja refleksija // Filosofskie nauki. 2010. № 7. S. 146–149.
  55. Mersch D. Systematische Medienphilosophie. 2005. S. 114.
  56. Krämer S. Die Heteronomie der Medien. Versuch einer Metaphysik der Medialität im Ausgang einer Reflexion des Boten // Journal Phänomenologie. Philosophie der Medien. 2004. № 22. S. 20.
  57. Merlo-Ponti M. Fenomenologija vosprijatija / per. s fr.; pod red. I. S. Vdovinoj, S.L. Fokina. SPb.: Juventa, Nauka, 1999. S. 227.
  58. Gasparov M. L. Zapiski i vypiski. M., 2001. S. 99.
  59. Nicshe F. Soch.: v 2 t. T. 1. M.: Mysl', 1990. S. 497.
  60. Kittler F. Opticheskie media. Berlinskie lekcii 1999 g. (per. s nem. O. Nikiforova i B. Skuratova). M.: Logos; Gnozis, 2009. S. 29.
  61. Hajdarova G.R. Bol' kak fenomen kul'tury. SPb.: Izd-vo RHGA, 2012 (v pechati).
  62. Kuzanskij N. Ob uchenom neznanii // Kuzanskij N. Izbrannye filosofskie sochinenija. T. 1. M.: Mysl', 1979. S. 75.
  63. Natorp P. Filosofija i psihologija // Natorp P. Izbrannye raboty. M., 2006. S. 32.
  64. Kuzanskij N. Ob uchenom neznanii. S. 110.
  65. Münker S. After the medial turn. Sieben Thesen zur Medienphilosophie // Medienphilosophie: Beiträge zur Klärung eines Begriffs // Hrsg. von S. Münker, A. Roesler, M. Sandbothe. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verl., 2003. S. 16–25.
  66. Margreiter R. Medien/Philosophie: Ein Kippbild // Medienphilosophie: Beiträge zur Klärung eines Begriffs / Hrsg. von S. Münker. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verl., 2003. S. 151.
  67. Margreiter R. Medienphilosophie. Eine Einführung. Berlin: Parerga Verl., 2007. S. 29.
  68. Medien Journal. Zeitschrift für Kommunikationskultur. 1999. № 1.
  69. Simpson D. Evropejskaja kul'tura kak tovar. Recenzija na knigu: Sassun D. Kul'tura evropejcev s 1800 goda do nashih dnej // Pushkin. 2008. № 1. S. 39).
  70. Aristotel'. Metafizika. 1004a.
  71. Al'k'e F. Kak ponjat' filosofa? // Romanskij kollegium: sb. mezhdisciplinarnyh nauch. trudov / Otv. red. S. L. Fokin, N. V. Reshetnjak. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGUJeF, 2009. S. 180.
  72. Sshwarte L. Philosiophie der Achitektur. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 2009. S. 22.
  73. Wiesing L. Was ist Medienphilosophie? // Information Philosophie. 2008. №. 3. S. 30–39.
  74. Vizing L. Shest' otvetov na vopros «Chto takoe mediafilosofija?» / per. s nem. D.A. Kolesnikovoj // Vestnik Lenigradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina. Ser. Filosofija. 2010. № 3. T. 2. S. 189–194.
  75. Kotenko V. P. Istorija i filosofija tehnicheskoj real'nosti. M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2009.
  76. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma // Kant I. Soch.: v 8 t. T. 3. M., 1994. S. 224.
  77. Hassan I. The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1987; Seidman S. Postmodern Turn: New Perspectives on Social Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  78. The pragmatic turn in philosophy. Contemporary Engagements between Analytic and Continental Thought // Ed. W. Egginton. New York: Suny Press, 2004.
  79. Peter L. Rhetorische Revisionen der Philosophie // Philosophische Rundschau. 2007. Bd. 54. S. 177).
  80. Gugutzer R. Der body turn in der Soziologie. Eine pragmatische Einführung // Body turn: Perspektiven der Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports / Hrsg. R. Gugutzer. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2006.
  81. Weigel S. Zum «topographical turn». Kartographie, Topographie und Raumkonzepte in den Kulturwissenschaften // KulturPoetik. 2002. Bd. 2,2. S. 153.
  82. Farinelli F. Von der Natur der Moderne: eine Kritik der kartographischen Vernunft // Räumliches Denken / Hrsg. D. Reichert. Zürich, 1996. S. 282.
  83. Hausdorff F. (pseud. Mongré P.). Sant' Ilario. Leipzig: Verlag von C. G. Naumann, 1897. S. 349).
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Art Theory


Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy.
Assistant professor, PhD.

Harald Szeemann's Conception of "Individual Mythology" — The Problem of the Analysis of Modern Artistic Myths

The article analyzes one of the basic artistic conceptions of the greatest European curator of the 20th century — Harald Szeemann — and its connection to exhibition practices. The conception of "individual mythology", which resembles the ideas of О. Spengler and А. Losev, was originally brought to life by H. Szeemann in the Documenta5 (1972) structural exposition and various other exhibitions.

Key words: curator, exhibition, personality, myth, symbol, art of the 20th centur


  1. Szeemann, Harald. Individuelle Mythologien. Merve-Verlag, Berlin, 1985, S. 54.
  2. Bart, Rolan. Semiotika, pojetika // Izbrannye raboty. M., 1988.
  3. Losev A. F. Dialektika mifa. M., 1990.
  4. Hegel, G.W.F.: Vorlesungen ueber die Aesthetik, Theorie-Werkausgabe, Bd. 13, Frankfurt/Main, S.142.
  5. Obrist H.-U. Interview with Harald Szeemann. In: "Artforum", Nov., 1996.
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Russia, Moskow.
Art critic, artist.

Canned Time
"Continuum XXXI" by Jaroslaw Kozlowski and "The Artist Is Present" by Marina Abramovic. Synchronization in the Space of the Moscow Garage — October, 2011

It is difficult to speak about contemporary art within the logic of the progressive change of styles or paradigms. However, contemporary art may be perceived as the co-existence of two main branches: the conceptual and bodily-existential.
Both branches are developed based on gestures of transgression, crossing the borders of visual arts — one in the direction of linguistics and philosophy; the other, in the direction of the theater and ritual.
Both branches actively make use of the artist's performance. Categorizing an artist's performance to a certain artistic genre is difficult, as it completely depends on the observer's perspective. However, the difference may become clearer if we carefully consider the time period. Moving out of the spatial category into the category of the spatial and the temporal — the main change in the field of the visual arts has been the result of the appearance of installation, video and the artist's performance in museums.
The method of Marina Abramovich — to consistently develop a line of bodily-existential performance — has unexpectedly crossed paths with a series of performances by Polish conceptual artist Jaroslaw Kozlowski, called "Continuum", which has been performed for thirty years. This intersection was the starting point of the text. Next, referring to the category of time, it was impossible to overlook the figure of the performer, Tehching Hsieh, an artist whose medium of expression is his own life.

Key words: contemporary art, performance art, theater, ritual, conceptualism, visual, time coordinate, existential performance, transgressive gesture, live art, trace and traceless


  1. Boris Grojs. «Dnevnik filosofa» Parizh, Sintaksis, 1989.
  2. Krylova E. V. Jekzistencial'nyj performans kak radikal'nyj opyt osmyslenija granic sovremennogo iskusstva. RGGU. Fakul'tet istorii iskusstva. Moskva. 2011.
  3. Krylova E. V. «Zhizn' kak pozhiznennoe zakljuchenie». HZh № 81 Moskva. 2012.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology. Associate Professor, Ph.D.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Researcher.

Cinema as a Model of Consciousness: Pia Tikka

The article explores the nature of emotions in cinema, taking as an example the artistic and curative activity of the Finnish film director and curator, Pia Tikka. Pia Tikka presents two propositions:

  1. Cinema can serve as a creative laboratory for the study of emotional dynamics, and
  2. The cognitive model of consciousness can serve as a montage model for the creative process of filmmaking.
These propositions form the basis of enactive cinema. The case of Pia Tikka is a unique example of the productive blend of curator-the-conception-maker and curator-the-artist, which tests her ideas in the artistic space.


Key words: kino-narrative, emotions, Pia Tikka, enactive cinema


  1. Dewey J. Experience and Nature. 2nd edition. New York: Dover, 1958.
  2. Tikka P. Enactive Cinema: Simulatorium Eisensteinense. Juväskylä, 2008.
  3. James W. What is an Emotion? // Mind. 1884. No. 9.
  4. Damasio A. The Feeling of What Happens: Body, Emotion and the Making of Consciousness. Vintage, 2000.
  5. Varela F., Thompson E. & Rosch E. Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Cambridgen, MA: MIT Press, 1991.
  6. Johnson M. The Meaning of the Body: Aesthetics of Human Understanding. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 2007.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research.
Head of department. PhD in philosophy, senior lecturer.

Fashion Curation:
From Mythology to Performance

The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of fashion curation. This phenomenon is very current in the practices of contemporary museums. The incorporation of fashion in the museum context has created a lot of discussion and theoretical topics, including the general strategy of the presentation of fashion's objects (historical or topical), and the hot topic of the financial question in relation to fashion projects. However, the main context of museums' connection with fashion is the context of its perception as an art form. In the article, this aspect is studied as the mythological context of fashion curation. From a mythological perspective, fashion curation moves to the narrative strategy of presentation, incorporating some forms of performance. The contemporary practices of curation tend to bring fashion closer to spectators using two trends: spectacle and narration.

Key words: fashion curation, fashion, fashion exhibition, fashion museums, narrative, performance, curator


  1. Palmer A. Rukami ne trogat': sozdanie jemocional'nogo i informacionnogo soderzhanija muzejnyh jekspozicij kostjuma i tekstilja. // Teorija mody. Osen'. № 25, 2012.
  2. Stil V. Muzejnoe kachestvo: moda na vystavke. // Teorija mody, leto (№ 24), 2012.
  3. Dwight E. Diana Vreeland. N.Y.: Harpers Collins Publishers, 2002. — cit.po Stil V. Muzejnoe kachestvo, s. 214.
  4. De la Haye, A. Travellers' Boots, Body-Moulding, Rubber Fetish Clothes: Making Histories of Sub-Cultures.// Making History in Museums. Ed. Gaynor Kavanagh. — London, NY: Leicester University press, 2000.
  5. Hebdidge R. Subculture. The meaning of Style. — London, Methuen, 1979.
  6. Evans C. Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity and Deathliness. Yale University Press, 2007. 334 p.
  7. Linch A., Shtrauss M.D. Izmenenija v mode. Prichiny i sledstvija. — per. s angl. A. M. Gol'dinoj, nauch. red. A. V. Lebsak-Klejmans. — Minsk, Grevcov Pablisher, 2009. — 280 s.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Researcher.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.
Institute of Business Communication. Senior lecturer.

The Curator as a Result of the Division of Labor (by P. Weibel)
Theoretical Prolegomenon to Curating in the Technological Arts

The institution of curating in contemporary art is most important, as it provides the self-representation of an artist and his product as perceived by contemporary art; art is conceptualized in the present. The article discusses the idea of curator, P. Weibel, about curators and offers a theoretical approach to the problem of curating in the technological arts. What is technological art? How does it perceive the present? Can it do without a curator? The author discusses the use of the concept of the machine, which removes the opposition between the artificial and the natural, the curator and the artist. The article shifts the emphasis of the research perspective, turning from the statics to the dynamics of culture — from the objects to the processes and conditions of cultural processes in the course of their contextual field. Thus, the author directs the attention of researchers to the where and how of actual production processes, and the production and registration of new things and relations.

Key words: technological art, machine, de-autonomy, media, environment, media art curator, artist, P. Weibel


  1. Burckhardt, M. Vom Geist der Maschine. Eine Geschichte kultureller Umbrüche. Frankfurt/New York: Campus-Verlag, 1999.
  2. Vajbel' P. 10++ programmnyh tekstov dlja vozmozhnyh mirov. M.: Logos, Gnozis, 2011.
  3. Grau O. Fantasmagoricheskoe vizual'noe koldovstvo 18-ogo stoletija i ego zhizn' v media iskusstve. / per. s nem. // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. — 2012. №5(6). — S.101–110.
  4. Kittler F. Opticheskie media: Berlinskie lekcii 1999 g. M.: Logos; Gnozis, 2009.
  5. Makljujen G. M. Ponimanie Media: Vneshnie rasshirenija cheloveka. M.: KANON-press-C, 2003.
  6. Podoroga V. Rene Dekart i Ars Chimaera. // // BioMediale. Sovremennoe obshhestvo i genomnaja kul'tura: [Antologija] / Sost. i obshh. red. Dm. Bulatova. — Kaliningrad: KF GCSI, FGUIPP «Jantarnyj skaz», 2004.
  7. Stepanov M. A. Mashiny abstrakcij i konec protezirovanija. // Mediafilosofija II. Granicy discipliny. SPb.: SPbFO, 2009. S. 123–137.
  8. Fljusser V. O proecirovanii // Hora, 2009. — N 4/5. — S. 67–87.
  9. Jeskott, R. Interaktivnoe iskusstvo: na poroge postbiologicheskoj kul'tury. // BioMediale. Sovremennoe obshhestvo i genomnaja kul'tura: [Antologija] / Sost. i obshh. red. Dm. Bulatova. — Kaliningrad: KF GCSI, FGUIPP «Jantarnyj skaz», 2004.
  10. Kosuth I. Art after Philosophy and After. Collected Writings, 1966–1990. Cambridge (MA) and London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991. P. 14, 52.
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Urban Studies


Russia, Ekaterinburg.
The Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky. PhD in philosophy, professor.
The scientific editor of the magazine « Academic bulletin Ural SRI project RAABS».

Design Narrative
(through the example of the Korean Republic)

This article is dedicated to the socio-cultural meanings of the object environment of contemporary South Korea. The author relies on the idea that objects accumulate different meanings that appear, while the object is being created or used. This allows for the reconstruction of the objective environment of the city from different perspectives, such as gender, the temporal, the pragmatic, etc.

Key words: narrative, narrative, object environment, environmental design, meanings of the thing, Seoul, Republic of Korea, form, function, values


  1. Bystrova T. Ju. Veshh', forma, stil': vvedenie v filosofiju dizajna. Ekaterinburg, 2001. 223 s.
  2. Bystrova T. Ju. Vostochnye filosofii kak osnova jekologichnogo arhitekturnogo myshlenija: garmonija — celostnost' — zdorov'e // Akademicheskij vestnik UralNIIproekt RAASN. 2008. № 1. S. 60–66.
  3. Grigor'eva T. P. Krasotoj Japonii rozhdennyj: V 2 t. T. 1. Put' japonskoj kul'tury. M., 2005. 360 s.
  4. Efimov A. V. i dr. Dizajn arhitekturnoj sredy. M., 2005. 504 s.
  5. Konfucij. Lun' juj. URL: Last visit 12.01.2013.
  6. Narrativ. Novejshij filosofskij slovar'. URL: Last visit 10.02.2013.
  7. Nikolaeva N. S. Shirma — veshh' i kartina // Veshh' v japonskoj kul'ture. M., 2003. 262 s. URL: Last visit 25.12.2012.
  8. Perelomov L. B. Konfucij: zhizn', uchenie, sud'ba. M., 1993. 440 s.
  9. Torchinov E. A. Daosizm. Opyt istoriko-religioznogo opisanija. SPb., 1998. 448 s.
  10. Jang Min A. Formy institucionalizacii mezhkul'turnogo vzaimodejstvija (na primere Rossijskoij Federacii i Respubliki Koreja). Avtoref. … diss. kand. sociolog. nauk. SPb., 2011.
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Book Reviews


Russia, Lipetsk.
Lipetsk State Technical University.
Department of philosophy.
Ph.D. in philosophy. Professor,
Ph.D. in philosophy. Senior lecturer.

Narrative Turn and the Future of the Philosophy of History in the 21st Century
A Review of E. Domanska's book: "The Philosophy of History after Postmodernism"

A Review of the book "The Philosophy of History after Postmodernism". The review focuses on the comparative analysis of interviews with foreign philosophers of history, presented by E. Domanska. The key problem appears to be varying perspectives on the ontological and epistemological status of the narrative in the philosophy of history, and the prospects for its development in the future.

Key words: narrative turn, philosophy of history, historical consciousness, historical experience


  1. Domanska Je. «Filosofija istorii posle postmodernizma». M.: «Kanon+» ROOI «Reabilitacija», 2010. 400 s.
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К проблеме наездницы русского постмодернизма

Sunday, 22 September 2013 | Olga Kirillova
Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь...
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Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

Saturday, 28 October 2017 | Alexander Lyusiy
Сакральная семиосфера северного города: монография/Д.Л.Попова; М-во образования и науки Российской Федер,...
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Арзрум, да не тот. Империобол как предчувствие футболистической революции

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
В основе материала — выступление автора на Международном конгрессе «Россия и Польша: память...
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Reminder about Humbert

Thursday, 05 April 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
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Friday, 01 July 2011 | Irina Sokolova
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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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The Chronotope of Illustrated Magazine

Friday, 14 January 2011 | Margarita Gudova
The article deals with the industry glossy magazines as an agent of modernization of consciousness and the transition from the patriarchal and industrial models to the identification of...
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Alexey Krivolap
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